zero Limits
Date Owner Player Action
07.09.2023 19:11 [AIM]Nic.eXe [zL]rpg2_Nic.V1 Promoted to clan owner
29.08.2023 17:54 RagerDanger RagerDanger Left the clan
09.08.2023 12:32 Cipy007 Cipy007 Left the clan
09.08.2023 10:34 [AIM]Nic.eXe Cipy007 Got rank 5
05.08.2023 03:42 Pantea Pantea Left the clan
04.08.2023 20:18 Cipy007 Pantea Got rank 5
04.08.2023 00:57 Diamond.eXe Diamond.eXe Left the clan
26.07.2023 18:09 [TFG]SebyEusebiu2001 [TFG]SebyEusebiu2001 Left the clan
12.07.2023 00:21 M3lon M3lon Left the clan
09.07.2023 23:02 [eA]IoNNuT.ExE. [eA]IoNNuT.ExE. Left the clan
08.07.2023 12:53 rpg2_JoraWalker18 rpg2_JoraWalker18 Left the clan
08.07.2023 12:53 [YKZ]rpg2_EuMoldovan [YKZ]rpg2_EuMoldovan Left the clan
05.07.2023 17:15 [YKZ]rpg2_EuMoldovan M3lon Joined the clan
03.07.2023 19:59 [TFG]NicolasGL [TFG]NicolasGL Left the clan
01.07.2023 19:06 AdmBot Mr.Rynxer[nWoX] Left the clan